There is also a legal ban on 'comfort fires' (fires that are not the primary source of heat) that starts on Tuesday 19th March 18:00.

Please use public transport, there will be more public transport provided.

Here are 3 ways to travel cheaper during the Smog Alarm:

  • The Stuttgart Umwelt TagesTicket available from 15. Oktober 2018 bis 31. March 2019: cheaper tickets for public transport during the entire smog season. 
  • All VVS public transport and car2go electric hire car bookings using the App moovel are at reduced prices. In addition, if you use the App moovel you have a 50% chance completely free trip.
  • Car2go electric hire car 19 cent / minute + 5€ new customer bonus

See our Stuttgart page for more details.

Stuttgart Smog alarm from 25 October 2017

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