Did you know that you can’t drive into many European cities? Including many typical holiday cities.
Want to avoid a traffic fine on holiday?
Then read further. This is the EU Urban Vehicle Access Regulation Portal website. This site gives all the information you need about urban access regulations in Europe.

This website can be used in a number of ways.
- Search for the city in our City Search on our homepage, or at the top of many pages.
- Find the city or country you are interested on our map (how to use the map)
- If you are planning a trip through Europe, visiting different cities, use our Route Planner.
- By Country through our country menus.
- Click directly on the articles featured on the homepage.
- Or finally with our search, which you find at the top right of the page.
We have information classified into four main kinds of scheme.
The different schemes in the cities are shown with the relevant colour menu, Low Emission Zones, Urban Road Toll Scheme, other Access Regulation, or Emergency Pollution Schemes.
Low Emission Zones have just the city name with no further text. Other access regulation schemes have a dash ( - ) after the city name and a further description of the scheme.
For further explanations of the different regulation types schemes we include, see our overview pages.
Background information on schemes can be found through the different scheme menu items, Low Emission Zones, Urban Road Charging Schemes or Urban Access Regulation Schemes, including impacts of schemes.
Translation: Use the pull-down list with flags to change the language. Please note, this is automatic translation so the wording in languages other than English may not be perfect, but the meaning should be understandable. We use automatic translation, otherwise we simply could not keep the site up to date in all EU languages.
Public authorities can register for our free European Union public authority Platform to help support their work on urban access regulations. We also have a CLARS Membership Plus offering public authorities additional services, and which helps fund the site.
We keep this website, up to date. We constantly monitor the situation, and add information when we identify it.
The map can be zoomed in and out, locations can be searched with the map search box. Double clicking on the mapped dots brings you directly to the full city information page. Popups with the main information for each scheme can be shown, or hidden. If you hover over the city dot, the popup displays. If you click on the city dot, then you can scroll through the popup. Where there is more than one scheme in the city, there is an arrow ►, where you can click through the popups for the different schemes in that city.
The logos represent the different schemes, which can be turned on or off the map. The colours of the dots on the map correspond to the colours used for the different schemes: Low Emission Zones, Urban Charging Schemes, Major Access Regulations, and Emergency Pollution Schemes.